
Scp 173 original post
Scp 173 original post

scp 173 original post

SCP: SCS is not a 'story based' game in the sense of having a campaign with mission, etc., instead the narrative indirectly influences the core gameplay.

scp 173 original post

Much of the narrative is still being worked on and I have a basic idea of how it will affect the gameplay but I don't want to give out to much in case a major point changes. The group believes that the GOC and the SCP Foundation are evil for containing/destroying anomalous entities and by doing so they are disrupting natural order. It takes place in a secret Foundation site, where a GOC splinter group raids the site and causes a containment breach. The game I'm developing is called SCP: Secure. Hello, I've been working on a VR SCP game since late December 2018 and I've just recently released a free SCP-173 demo.

scp 173 original post

Located in SCP-914's Containment Chamber. The phrase 'spider/steel' is a reference to the administrators of the CB forums Regalis (whose username comes from a species of tarantulas) and Steelpoint. Harp asking all personnel to refrain from putting organic material into SCP-914. A snippet of SCP-914's testing log with a note from Dr. High perfomance dynamic lighting system and image based lighting. Textures updated into a PBR rendering workflow. Map Creation Algorithm with all the features of the original, 3 different zones. It occasionally leaves a reddish-brown substance on the floor, which is 'a combination of feces. SCP-173 is an animate statue made of concrete and rebar, painted with Krylon brand spray paint. SCP-173, also known as The Sculpture, is a creature from the SCP Foundation, a fictional organization that works to keep anomalous objects, places, and creatures secret from the rest of the world. The post was made on June 22nd, 2007, and deleted a few days later. wait did I just say nut heads on a document about nut memes that can end the universe.The original SCP-173 post is a 2007 4chan post that leads to the creation of the SCP Foundation, a popular horror writing website. The O5 Council isnt just deleting the SCP-173 memes but trying to edit in secret Memetic Hazards to drug anyone who has a SCP-173 meme in there vision but attempts are risky due to those nut head conspiracy theorists. The O5 Council is trying there best to delete all SCP-173 memes but more just pop up on reddit ( You know, that place), tumblr and even deviant art. SCP-173-END Is a meme of SCP-173 looking exactly like a peanut, if more then 5000 memes are posted, SCP-173 will cause a End Class Scenario to all of existence. MEMES, THERE NOT EVEN FUNNY, THERE MEMES ABOUT SCP-173 LOOKING LIKE A PEANUT! F█CK THIS EARTH. SCP-173-END IS NOT TO BE REPOSTED AT ALL F█CKING POINT DURING OUR EXISTENCE! WERE F█CKED IF ONE MORE HUMAN ON THIS EARTH POSTS ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE. A bunch of peanuts that DONT look LIKE SCP-173!

Scp 173 original post