
How to install a program without admin
How to install a program without admin

how to install a program without admin

Installing an application in this folder hierarchy automatically means that the installer has to run as an Administrator in order to be able to write files in that folder structure (unless the user has changed permissions explicitly). Originally Markdown Monster was installed in Program Files (x86). In this post I describe the various steps of making the existing install work which might give those of you that want to do something similar the tools to do the same. But I'm excited to see that Markdown Monster now runs of a very light touch installer. It's been a slow process getting here - knocking off one feature at a time, some of which (namely the extension mapping) I thought weren't actually possible as non-admin feature, as they aren't well documented. Personally I prefer a full install that shows up in Programs and Features with full uninstall support, but now with these changes I can actually have an admin-less install and still get that system installer registration. I've been surprised that there have been a lot of requests for having an admin-less install. If using a Portable install or simply copying files, Markdown Monster checks for each of these configuration settings on startup and internally sets them as part of the startup. The full installer still installs a few settings in the registry and desktop shortcuts etc, but all of the important registry settings are now made in the User's Registry hive and are totally optional. There are also corresponding Chocolatey installers for both full and portable installs. Yay! The installer now doesn't trigger admin elevation and the resulting installation is a free standing install that can either be installed with the Installer or installed as a portable install simply by copying files out of a Zip folder.

how to install a program without admin

A couple of weeks ago I updated Markdown Monster to run as a fully portable application that no longer requires administrative privileges to install.

How to install a program without admin